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Our Approach

Our Vision

My vision is to educate as many people as possible who are thinking of retiring, or already retired how to live a wonderful life in retirement. Preparing for this major life transition is important to your success. Research shows the more you plan for retirement, the happier you will be. Some retirees have trouble coping with the transition to retirement life. When the euphoria of not having to go to work every day wears off, (the "honeymoon period"), people may become depressed, bored, lonely or stuck in a rut and could use some help.


Through unique coaching programs, using telephone coaching sessions, assessments and exercises you are guided through a process to consider all of the important areas of your life.  As a Certified Retirement Coach I will help you create a plan for your retirement to live a happier and more fulfilling life.

Our Story

Our Approach

Our Story

Life Coaching for Seniors
Life Coaching for
Pre-retirees, Retirees, Seniors

Your Guide to a Wonderful Life

Sherry has been a student of self-development, education and goal achievement her entire life. Her professional career began as a teacher and later transitioned into the field of Parks & Recreation where she earned her Masters Degree. She has twenty years experience working with senior citizens. She helps guide and support others to achieve their goals and dreams. Her passion for helping people live happier, healthier and longer lives lead her to become a Certified Retirement Coach. She will help you uncover core values and beliefs, create a personal mission statement and action plan to achieve your desires, dreams and ambitions in life. Living a purposeful life helps you to become happier, more energetic and fulfilled. Through the coaching process Sherry assists others in experiencing all of the joys of living a life with purpose. People enjoy working with her and get results. One client stated, “I was able to get unstuck with your help!” Others have said, " it is a joy to work with her due to her positive and optimistic attitude". The coaching process, and assessments tools are used to provide direction and encouragement as needed to help people with their retirement planning. Sherry’s goal is to help improve the lives of others and make a contribution to the those in the "baby boomer" population. Sherry states, “Her personal rewards come from helping people build their own path to success.”

Sherry Austin, Certified Retirement Coach at Wonderful Life Retirement Coaching, LLC contact her at 734-649-1998 for more information.

Sherry's Profile-Pic

Sherry Austin

Founder & President

Certified Retirement Coach, Educator, Speaker

Member of the Retirement Coaches Association

Certified Retirement Coach

A Retirement Coach is similar to a life coach and works with you to help guide you to develop a life plan for your retirement years. Retirement Coaches act as a compass for those wondering what is next. Through the coaching process of discovery we will uncover your personal vision for a fulfilling retirement lifestyle. Using proprietary tools, assessments and exercises we will uncover your strengths and areas that need additional work for a successful life. We guide and encourage you to develop a plan for a great retirement life that will bring you more satisfaction and happiness. Your retirement could last 20, 30 or more years and should be the most exciting time of your life!


Retirement Options

Sherry received her Retirement Coach Training

through Retirement Options.

Retirement Coaches help individuals focus on the critical, non-financial facets of retirement planning.

"Retirement Options has been the industry leader in retirement coach certification and retirement readiness assessments."

Next Steps...

Call 734-649-1998 today for a 30 minute complimentary consultation to see if retirement coaching is right for you.